My Name Is Earl Drinking Game


Let me tell you a little story about FedEx customer service and a delivery I received a few months back.
Tuesday, the first delivery day, the driver attempted to deliver it at 11:30am. Like most Americans I have (had) a job. I called Tuesday afternoon to see what alternatives they could offer. The person I spoke with said she could put in a “request” to have it delivered in the afternoon the next day. I figured I could leave a little early to catch the delivery.
The next day, at work before leaving, I checked the FedEx website. Of course the driver attempted to deliver it at 11:30 again. So I called, and spoke with another person. I explained my situation and he said I could go pick it up.
“Great”, I said, “Where’s that at?” He told me it was in Bellingham WA . For those of you who don’t know, I live in South Everett and work in Redmond . Which means, driving from home would be an hour, and driving from work, would be two hours. That’s right; this guy wanted me to drive over an hour to pick up a package that I paid to have delivered. I explained that driving that far was not an option. “Why don’t you send it to one of the other FedEx offices?” I asked. I knew they had a location in Bothell, because I had picked up packages at that location before, and it was on my drive home, about 15 minutes from my house. Plus they had a shipping center in Seattle , 30 minutes away from my house.
“No” He told me, they can’t send it to another location.
I asked, “What other options could he provide? He told me I could call the shipper and have them redirect it to my work. First of all, that would involve calling Hewlett Packard, which as anyone who’s ever called customer service in a large company should know, getting them to change the deliver would be a frustrating experience. I explained that to him.
This customer service agent, (I use the term customer service loosely) continued to argue with me. His options were taking a day off of work and waiting at home, or calling HP were my only two choices. After arguing with him for a little over 10 minutes, he finally said, “I can have it delivered on Saturday.”
“We’ve been arguing for 10 minutes with you telling me I had no other options and NOW you are saying I can do that!”
His response, “It hasn’t been 10 minutes.”
Yes as a matter of fact it had, I made the call from my desk phone with a timer on it. Minus the time I spent in the automated system it had been over 10 minutes. And the fact that he would argue with me about it just goes to show the level of quality service this guy provided.
At this point I escalated on the guy and spoke with someone from the customer advocates group, or whatever they call it in that company. I explained why I was upset, at the guy not offering the Saturday delivery earlier, and about his attitude. I’ve work on the phones customer service with large companies, so I have no faith that anything will come from my complaint. In the end I did get my delivery, four days later and no thanks to FedEx customer service.
