Smallville Drinking Game

The Doers and the Do-notters

There are some goods and bads that go along with living in a condo complex. The goods; I don’t have to maintain the lawn, external repairs are covered in the dues, and some utilities are covered. The bads; having neighbors right next to you, sharing the pool and hot tub, and having to pay dues.

Last year I volunteered to serve on the board and help out. I didn’t think it would really involve much work at the time. Since then, I have become the only male on the board. What this means is, I keep getting stuck doing the odd jobs. A door in the clubhouse breaks, I fix it. Light posts need replaced, I replace them. Sure we could hire someone to do the work, but that would take from the budget and potentially result in us needing to raise the dues.

I don’t have a problem volunteering except for the fact that, I pay the same in homeowners as the next person. In this case the next person, isn’t doing crap. They drive by me when I’m digging the light posts, but they don’t offer to help. They complain about other , but don’t bother coming to the meetings. And of course, they have no idea that my labor is saving them money.

Neighbors - a Starbucks card or something would be nice!


Rooster said…
I have a cardboard box in my garage that you could live in... rent and HOA free! You're dog can stay in the house.
MGD said…
Thanks, you are a real pal. blus I'm sure the dog will love living inside with the cats.
gwadzilla said…
sounds like it is time to start throwing some poop

it is generous of you to do those tasks


as a member of the board you should appoint someone to the job
MGD said…
hahaha, good advice.