Smallville Drinking Game

Freaks and Weirdoes = 2, Religious Nuts = 48

As we all know by now, California started allowing gay marriage this week. And to all of you religious nuts out there, look what happened... nothing. That's right, God didn't swipe his hand down and chop the state off into the ocean. Although, I'm sure that will be your justification next time they have an earthquake. Our children didn't strip all their clothes off, and start running around in the streets participating in huge orgies. And most importantly of all, the world didn't end.

What happened instead, is people who love each other were able to get married, and can now have extramarital affairs, and get divorced like the rest of us. They can also have what they’ve been wanting, equal treatment. And what does California get out of all this, millions and millions to boost it's economy. Sounds like good business to me.

So all you religious nuts, just back off, and find something else to use as an excuse to hate. Because after all, it's the people who think they are the moral authority, that cause the most trouble throughout the world. So go cause trouble somewhere else, and let these people be.


Anonymous said…
well, the governator thinks that, I quote: " marriage should be between a man and a woman."
MGD said…
haha, that sounds like something Bush would say.
Anonymous said…
Yea, but Arnold is right up there with him:

"All of a sudden, we see riots, we see protests, we see people clashing. The next thing we know, there is injured or there is dead people. We don't want to get to that extent." –on the dangers posed by gay marriage
MGD said…
Yeah, but then it would give Arnold a change to get out his old Predator or Commando gear and clean house.
Anonymous said…
I think he has another movie coming out soon called "The Gayraser". Very action packed with Arnold playing himself as the kickass govorner of California blasting the evil, maurading homosexuals away in the streets of San Fran and restoring order to the galaxy. I think the teaser trailer is coming out soon.
Anonymous said…
That above briliant peice of art was from me. Forgot to input my info.
MGD said…
good to know.
MGD said…
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