Smallville Drinking Game

The Bathroom Police

Going to the bathroom this morning, and shortly after I walk in a guy comes in and uses the urinal next to mine. As we finish up I noticed that he didn't flush. As we wash our hands this is the conversation: 

CM - you don't flush after you are done? 

Guy - (acting surprised) Oh, I didn't flush? 

He walks over and hits the handle. And goes to leave. 

Guy - What are you, the bathroom police. 

CM - No, I just don't like to piss in someone else's pee. I'm… oh what's it called…. Considerate! 

 He walks away, not turning around. I hope I have a meeting with this guy someday. That way when everyone else is around I can introduce myself and say, "Oh yeah, we've met, you are the guy who doesn't flush the toilet after he is done."


This blog post has since been animated, except with washing hands instead of flushing.



Rooster said…
Next time you should just turn and piss on him. That would be funny.
MGD said…
It would be, but I'd probably pucker up and not be able to do it. Then I'd end up just being some guy turned around with his junk in his hand.
Anonymous said… you know how funny this was?

And I'm not sure if the visual was disturbing or intriguing. :) give him credit, at least he washed his hands. There are exactly 12 women that work in my office and there is 1 who doesn't wash her hands after time in the bathroom! EWWWW! It seriously grosses me out every time she needs to hand me something...
MGD said…
you should call her out on it. Next time she hands you something say, "no thanks. you don't wash your hands and I don't want to touch it." and make sure to do it loudly so everyone can hear it.
Anonymous said…
Dude, I have ran into this a NUMBER of times at MS. Are they hiring so manu 3rd worlders that we can just NOT expect for toilets to be NOT FLUSHED?!
MGD said…
You tell me, you're the FTE now...