Smallville Drinking Game

Wash Your Hands

In further feeding the paranoia around swine flue, Microsoft has posted reminders all over the campus for everyone to wash their hands. The reminder also includes instructions for those who might not know how to wash their hands by this point in their lives. All the restrooms now have signs as you enter them, something that should have been done a long time ago, as I've witnessed many guys not washing their hands. But, for those who might miss the giant sign when entering the restroom, there are also signs in front of the elevators, like the one pictured here. This of course seems kind of pointless as most Microsoft employees have their heads down reading e-mail on their iPhones, Blackberries, or Windows mobile phones and most likely don't even see the notice.
It's also interesting to note; that while Microsoft is in the process of laying off thousands of employees to cut cost, they are putting that saved money to good use in printing up a bunch of signs to cover the walls in hundreds of buildings across the Microsoft campus.


MGD said…
ha ha sucka...
Seattle Freeze said…
That's a perfectly acceptable waste of (err...use) the extra funds.

*Don't you know that the swine flu has killed hundreds?? And...we haven't even seen the worst of it yet!
PETA is right! Let's put an end to meat production or help rid the country of new immigration by closing the borders because of potential illnesses!
I'm almost done building my underground shelter in preparation of the next outbreak/tsunami/end of days scare. You're welcome to join. :)

MGD said…
I would, but I'd have to bring the dog to the shelter, and I'm sure cute fuzzy puppy flue is just right around the corner.
Seattle Freeze said…
Well...beings that SHE was the only reason I was inviting YOU-s'allright w/me. :D
Akash said…
I am trying to start a campaign to aware people in my office to save tree. In order to achieve this, I pasted a notice in washrooms to use hand dryers in place of paper tissues. But the argument came as most of electricity is generated by thermal power in India so it won't help. But in fact it will.

Now the bottom-line is not to wash ur hand if you don't have hanky in order to save trees :D
MGD said…
Good point. We have a blow dryer in ours, so people can choose paper towels or blow drying their hands. But there is going to be a negative environmental impact either way. I guess we can always start drying our hands on our pants…