Smallville Drinking Game

Barking Bitches

I live in a pretty closed in neighborhood. Neighbors beside, behind, and all around me. Directly behind me, just on the other side of the fence is a family that has a small dog. It's one of those dogs that bark at everything at all times. It doesn't matter what, it could be my dog just laying in the back yard, or it could be the wind. Occasionally the owners will try to quite the dog, but it's rare that they do so. Most of the time, no matter what time of day, they just let it bark.

Yesterday afternoon while walking my dog, I decided to walk past the front of there home. My actual intent was to scope the fence out. I had been thinking quite a bit about making the dog disappear. Now don't freak out, I wasn't going to kill it. I was going to take it to a pound as a lost dog in some neighboring city.

Anyway, as I was walking past, the owners of the dog were in the garage. So I changed my mind and decided to do the neighborly thing and talk to them nicely. I introduced myself and brought the subject up. The guy was actually pretty cool about it.

"Yes, we know." he said, "She even has a hard time on conference calls from home with him barking."

The woman, on the other hand, got all bitchy about it. "He doesn't bark that much." she told me, "and when he does, I bring him inside."

"Actually, he barks constantly all the time." Right now, he's in the back yard barking." We paused to listen.

Throughout the conversation, she blamed everything under the sun as to the cause of the barking, without taking any responsibility. "he's only a year old." to "He's barking at your dog." to even, "Your dog barks too."

WTF is wrong with women! Why is it the guy can be cool and say, "sorry, we'll try to work on it." to a woman who responds with, "it's not my fault - it's your dogs fault - he doesn't bark that much."

I've never experienced this with my generation, but whatever happened to the time when neighbors actually tried to be nice to one another? I've heard rumors that there was a point in America, that people actually were "neighborly". What's being neighborly get you these days? Nothing. I should have just stuck with my original plan of disappearing the dog. Now I can't do it because I'd be the first suspect.
