My Name Is Earl Drinking Game

Yahoo Sends its Own E-Mails to SPAM

Besides the people who actually work for Yahoo, I’m probably one of about 20 people in this country who actually have a yahoo e-mail account. And truthfully I only have it because I need it to log into my Flickr account. But, I’m starting to see more and more why people have switched to Gmail. Something I should do, except for I don’t want to go through the hassle of switching all my logins and have people start e-mailing me at the new address.

Anyway, besides occasionally not being able to access my yahoo account, the spam filter has got to be the worst feature of Yahoo e-mail. For example; I will occasionally add something to my Yahoo calendar, then it gives me the option of sending a reminder. One of the ways it can send me the reminder is through e-mail. Which is handy, I check my e-mail regularly and I can tell it how far in advance I want that reminder sent.

The catch to using this function is, my spam filter thinks the e-mail reminders are spam. Yep, my e-mails from the yahoo calendar reminder come in as spam to my yahoo e-mail account… Great product Yahoo, no wonder you are losing most everything to Google and Microsoft.