Smallville Drinking Game

Animal Cruelty Around the World

Very regularly I'm disgusted with the human race and our ability to callously inflict pain on life forms we consider worth less than ours.

Photographic essay after the jump

On the French controlled island of Réunion some fishermen use live dogs and cats as shark bait. Having moving animals makes them more attractive to sharks.

This dog was able to escape and a veterinarian was able to remove the hooks from it's nose.

Other dogs weren't as lucky.

In Korea before eating dogs, they are abused and crammed into cages, unable to move.

In China dogs are regularly beaten to death in the streets

And animals used for fur are skinned alive. (click on image to watch video)

The Japanese slaughter whales and dolphins to the point of turning the waters in a cove red with blood.

Think Europeans are any better?
Bulls in Spain
bull fight
And dog fighting in the UK
dog fighting
Not in America?

I doubt this Orca at SeaWorld is happy

Puppy mills to support our desire for purebreds.

Killing wolves from planes in Alaska

It's not just done for food and clothing, it's also done for the sexual thrill


Rooster said…
We are a fucked up species my friend. Man kind has become the worst of them all, and these images prove it.
MGD said…
Hopefully the next generation will do a better job than the previous.
Anonymous said…
im afraid that that the next generation is just as fucked up.... maybe even worse. there's jus no saving the human race from it's self.
MGD said…
unfortunately you are probably correct.
Lu Yun said…
I really hate human hurt animals.Like you said"I'm disgusted with the human race and our ability to callously inflict pain on life forms we consider worth less than ours".