Smallville Drinking Game

Bad Customer Service at Farmers

I’ve had my house and automobile insurance on one policy through Farmers for about 5 years now. A few months ago, I changed from Chase bank to BECU, which of course involved switching all my auto-payments, which I did.

In February I went to the Farmers website and changed and made my payment there was well, for my March bill. Then as April rolls around, I get my bill which shows a 25.00 check return fee. Since I don’t pay by check, I thought this was a little odd and called. In speaking to the girl who answered, I was informed that I didn’t change my payment method correctly. Instead of updating it online, I was supposed to call since I had it setup for auto-pay.

I responded with a polite, "I wasn’t aware of that" and nothing on the site told me that when I was updating my payment method. I said all this, expecting that they would just refund the 25.00 bucks, which they did not offer, and actually said they couldn’t do.

I’ve been with them for 5 years, never filed a claim, and paid my bills always on time. They made a lot of money off me. So I responded with, “Okay, then cancel my service.”After saying I wanted to cancel her response was, “okay great,” in a very nice tone of course. At no point was she like, “I’m sorry to hear that. Or I understand.” Just a simple, "I’ll cancel that out today."

My first call was to Progressive and I was happy to find out, that they could give me a better rate on both my homeowners and auto insurance.

So thanks local Farmers office. Thanks to your not willingness to credit a good customer 25.00 dollars, I’m taking way more than that, which I pay each year to Progressive, and saving money in the process.
