Smallville Drinking Game

A Rough Year for Celebrity Death

celebrity deaths
I've heard this joke going around about all the celebrity deaths we had this year that they were being smart and getting out before Trump took office. I know probably not a good joke, but hey I didn't come up with it. The year has been a rough one for some great entertainers however.

Personally I've never been a huge Prince fan but I can recognize his talent as a musician. For me the big one was David Bowie. I've always been a fan of his and found enjoyment in almost everything he has done, from music to acting to even his person style and character. Alan Rickman who played one of the best villains in Die Hard. Leonard Cohen who lived an amazing life that many of us could only dream. And of course Gene Wilder who's performances were like watching a dream. Of course we had many more than the ones listed here along with  writers, athletes, and more. The end of the year is only a few days away and we are still losing them with  Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds ending out the year.

Its been a rough year and we lost a lot of good people and a few not so good. the American public has proven that we are actually getting dumber with the election of Donald Trump. But on the plus side, the Cubs did win the world series. 
