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The Senate Releases Its Version of the Health-Not-Care Bill

republican healthcare

We now know why the senate Republicans didn't want anyone to know about what was in their bill, because they are cutting just about everything to give themselves tax break.

Personally that doesn't impact me since I'm not on Medicaid, but those Republican voters in the red states that voted these people into office, say goodbye to some of your heath coverage... I guess that's what happens when you don't give any real thought into the people you vote for. Suckers!

Let's break down the 50th attempt at repealing the AHCA by the Republicans.

  • Allows insurers to charge older people up to 5 times as much as younger
  • Massive tax break for the rich, to be paid for by cuts into Medicaid. 
  • No more funding for planned parenthood. This means no more birth control, no more medical care, no more prenatal care.  
  • Don't like the requirement that you need to have health insurance? Under the Republican plan. The tax penalty for not having health insurance would be dropped. Now, anyone who goes without insurance for more than two months would face a 30% premium surcharge when they try to buy a new plan. 
  • Percentage of uninsured Americans would increase.   23 million fewer people would have insurance over the next decade.
  • Allows states to permit insurers to charge more for pre-existing conditions

There is more in in that screws Americans but hey, that's what we get for voting these people into office. 
