Smallville Drinking Game

Most Miserable Red States

A recent pull done by Gallup-Healthways has delivered the most miserable states in the U.S. to live in. It takes into account health, income, education, and life expectancy. As I was reading through the most miserable states to live in on noticed a trend. That these states also happen to be the most politically red states.
Maybe they should consider not voting for right-wing nutcases and they could look at improving the education system. And maybe they should listen to Michelle Obama which she tells them to eat better.

  1. West Virginia - Purple state. A little blue and a little red, but mostly red.
  2. Kentucky - Red.
  3. Mississippi - Red and highest level of obesity in the list.
  4. Delaware - guess they all can't be red
  5. Ohio - purple state but considered a conservative values state even for the blue team.
  6. Alabama - Red again
  7. Arkansas - Red
  8. Missouri - purple leaning red
  9. Florida - red and ridiculous
  10. Tennessee - yep, big surprise a red one

