My Name Is Earl Drinking Game

5 Day Broke Down BMW Update

I had to leave the bike at the dealership from Sunday night until Tuesday morning, since they are closed on Mondays. Tuesday rolled around, and on my lunch break I swung by the dealership in the hopes that the bike had been stolen, which it had not been. I go to the service person and start to explain the issue. He tells me that it might be a couple weeks before they get to it, because they are so busy with the spring weather and people getting bikes out for service. He also tells me that he thinks the issue is the battery. I tell him I don't think that is the issue, and that it seems like an electrical short somewhere, but I don't argue the point. After all, he is the trained professional.

Later that afternoon he calls me up and tells me he checked the battery and it is fine. He plugged it into the diagnostics machine and nothing came back, and that the bike is starting just fine. Of course it is, I think, isn't that always how these things work.

"So, what could be the issue?" I ask.

"I don't know, right now there doesn't seem to be a problem."

"Well, why don't you ride it home for lunch today, and when you can't get back to work because it won't start, you will experience my issue."

He doesn't see the humor in my commentary, and says he will keep checking it.

The rest of the week goes past and I call Friday to get an update. This time I talk to another mechanic, who was on vacation when I dropped the bike off, and all he has to go from are the notes from the first mechanic. I explain the issue and through the conversation he brings up the idea that it might only happen with the engine is heated, some type of electrical short with the starter possibly. Hmm, I think, someone should have mentioned to the first mechanic the possibility of an electrical issue. He says he will try riding it around and see what happens, but it might be a week or two since they are so busy, and the first mechanic is on vacation.

Call me crazy, but if everyone is suddenly bringing their bikes into the dealer for service with the now warming weather, it seems like an odd time to be taking vacation. We do, after all, have eight months of rain and cold here in Seattle, eight months that might be more well suited for a motorcycle mechanic to take a vacation. But that's just me, being logical and all. And, as pointed out, also not a motorcycle mechanic.

I can't wait to see what next week will bring.
