Smallville Drinking Game

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Drinking Game

drinking game


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

This hilarious show follows the detectives in Brooklyn's 99th Precinct as they solve crimes and make fun.


  • Whenever Jake says, "The name of your sex tape."
  • Whenever Jake says, "Cool, cool, cool."
  • Whenever Terry bounces his pecs
  • Whenever Terry eats yogurt
  • Whenever Terry speaks about himself in the third person
  • Whenever Holt references some obscure musician, artist, scientist, etc. that no one has heard of
  • Whenever Holt says, "you are dismissed."
  • Whenever Amy mentions or uses a binder
  • Whenever Gina pervs on Terry
  • Whenever Gina uses her phone
  • Whenever Charles refers to food in a way that makes it sound sexual
  • Whenever Scully or Hitchcock eat something
  • Whenever anyone makes a Die Hard reference
  • Whenever Rosa threatens to assault someone
  • Whenever the group says, "Nine-Nine."
  • Whenever they do a cutaway/flashback
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
