
Smallville Drinking Game

Top 10 Things from 2009 that I Don't Care About

My Kind of Santa

Climate Change Deal

Them, Me, and the Beer on Tap

Extra Time, Vicodin, and a Proper Balance of Both

Lieberman - Democrat > Independent > Republican

Tax the Babies

Alaska Oil Spill, and the News

Proof That Girls Are Evil

LSD War Games

Twilight Moms

Help Ban Divorce in California

Cranky for Palin

Dual Flush‏

A New Ad from Plane Stupid

Our Lives are a Dilbert Cartoon

Why Pot Hasn't Been Legalized

How Working for Microsoft as a "V-" or "A-" Is Like Being Black In The 50's

The Joys of Wolf Hunting

I’m a Republican!?!?

Coal Country

What Would Jesus Think of the Healthcare Debate

Times They are a Changin… for Marijuana

Teaching Gay

Denied Insurance After Rape

Job Satisfaction vs. Money

Songs That Make Me Wish I Were Def

Karma, Bad Weather, and the South East

Scary Stories About Climate Change

Farmers Grow Hemp on DEA Lawn

No Help From a Monkey

Razor Clams are Edible This Year, But at What Cost

Ice Melt in the Arctic

Deuteronomy 22:13-21

Drive-Tard Tips

One big Urinal

Junk in One Hand, Dead Wood in the Other

On Top of Old Smokey

5554 Endangered Animals

Police Raid for a WII

E-Waste in Ghana

An Egregious Violation of Men's Room Etiquette

Hitler's Kanye West Response

Confront a Judge and Go to Jail


United Breaks Guitars

Asian Drivers

Panda Stats

Visit Alaska

Airline Humor

Great Delivery UPS

Round Peg Square Whole

Utopia or Dystopia?

Nissan LEAF